Services - iCare Supported Living


Our Services

We are a supported living agency serving individuals with developmental disabilities in Idaho. Our mission is to increase independence and quality of life.


Residential Habilitation

Residential habilitation services assist the individual to acquire, retain, or improve his ability to reside as independently as possible in the community or maintain family unity.

Representative Payee Services

Money management consists of training or assistance in handling personal finances, making purchases, and meeting personal financial obligations.

Self-direction consists of identifying and responding to dangerous or threatening situations, making decisions and choices affecting the individual's life, and initiating changes in living arrangements or life activities.


Money management

Money management consists of training or assistance in handling personal finances, making purchases, and meeting personal financial obligations such as establishing savings, paying utility bills, rent, creating budgets for food, household and hygiene needs. ICARE Supported Living, Inc. offers Representative Payee services at no charge for those participants that need it.
Daily living skills consist of training in accomplishing routine housekeeping tasks, meal preparation, dressing, personal hygiene, self administration of medications, and other areas of daily living including proper use of adaptive and assistive devices, appliances, as well as following home safety, first aid, and emergency procedures.

Daily living skills


Socialization consists of training or assistance in participation in general community activities and establishing relationships with peers with an emphasis on connecting the participant to his community. Socialization training associated with participation in community activities includes assisting the participant to identify activities of interest, working out arrangements to participate in such activities, and identifying specific training activities necessary to assist the participant to continue to participate in such activities on an on-going basis. Socialization training does not include participation in non therapeutic activities that are merely diversional or recreational in nature.
Mobility consists of training or assistance aimed at enhancing movement within the person's living arrangement, mastering the use of adaptive aids and equipment, accessing and using public transportation, independent travel, or movement within the community.


Behavior shaping and management

Behavior shaping and management consist of training and assistance in appropriate expressions of emotions or desires, assertiveness, acquisition of socially appropriate behaviors, or extension of therapeutic services that consist of reinforcing physical, occupational, speech, and other therapeutic programs.